
October 9, 2023

Inadequacy of On-Premise Appliances Against Bit-and-Piece Attacks, AKA Carpet Bombing Attacks


In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats, the need for robust protection measures has become paramount. One such threat that has gained notoriety in recent times is Bit-and-Piece attacks aka, Carpet Bombing attacks. These sophisticated attacks pose a significant challenge to traditional on-premise appliances, prompting a closer look at their efficacy in thwarting such threats. In this article, we will delve into the inadequacies of on-premise appliances against Bit-and-Piece attacks and explore the differentiation between Network Protection (NP) and Clean Pipe (CP) strategies.


Understanding Bit-and-Piece Attacks


Bit-and-Piece attacks are a form of Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack that involves the rapid dispersion of malicious traffic across a multitude of IP addresses. This tactic makes it exceedingly difficult for traditional security measures to detect and mitigate the attack effectively. As a result, networks are bombarded with an overwhelming volume of traffic, causing disruptions and potential downtime.

Limitations of On-Premise Appliances

When it comes to countering Bit-and-Piece attacks, traditional on-premise appliances face inherent limitations. Between NP and CP solutions, the challenges persist despite commonalities in detection modes and mitigation filters.

Both NP and CP solutions offer detection modes categorized as Normal, Rapid, and Smart. However, it's the operational approach that sets them apart. In NP, manual intervention for mitigation is absent. Instead, automitigation mode takes the lead. This implies that once an attack is detected, the system automatically triggers mitigation measures. On the other hand, CP solutions require manual activation of mitigation measures, a process that can lead to a time lag before the protection mechanisms kick in.


Swift and Dynamic Nature of Attacks

One key aspect of Bit-and-Piece attacks is their speed and adaptability. Attackers constantly alter their tactics and targets, making them difficult to predict and counter. In CP solutions, creating individual profiles for each attacking IP address can address the "quick" aspect of these attacks. However, the manual nature of this process proves impractical when dealing with hundreds of attacking IPs simultaneously. This is where the auto mitigation feature of NP emerges as a practical solution.


Choosing Between NP and CP


Understanding the distinct use cases of NP and CP is crucial for selecting the most appropriate protection strategy. CP primarily focuses on safeguarding individual customers against various cyber threats, offering tailored protection for specific cases. In contrast, NP is designed to shield the entire infrastructure from large-scale attacks, including the likes of Bit-and-Piece attacks. Its automated mitigation approach proves advantageous in dealing with swift and unpredictable attacks, outweighing any potential time advantage gained by manual activation in CP solutions.




In the face of evolving and sophisticated cyber threats like Bit-and-Piece attacks, traditional on-premise appliances fall short in providing robust protection. The complexity, speed, and scale of these attacks necessitate innovative solutions that go beyond manual intervention. The differentiation between NP and CP strategies offers valuable insights into addressing this challenge.

While CP is well-suited for individualized protection, NP emerges as the more practical option for safeguarding the broader infrastructure. The automated mitigation capability of NP ensures swift and effective responses to dynamic attacks, ultimately providing a more comprehensive and reliable defense mechanism against Bit-and-Piece attacks and similar threats. As the threat landscape continues to evolve, organizations must carefully evaluate their cybersecurity strategies and adopt solutions that align with the intricacies of modern-day attacks.


For more details on Nexusguard’s extensive range of DDoS Protection Services,  please click here, or click here to talk with one of our experts.

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